How Basement Waterproofing Can Save You Money

If you are considering any kind of home renovations or investing in any kind of basement waterproofing, then saving money is probably the last thing you’re expecting. Here’s some good news, although you will have to pay for the waterproofing to begin with, the service itself will save you money in the long run.

Think about it as a long-term investment. Your home by itself is probably one of the biggest financial investments you have so it is important to take care of it. Your investment now comes with a return! How can basement waterproofing save you money? Let’s find out!

Reduces energy costs

Basement waterproofing can involve sealing off the foundation of your home and it closes it off to the outside environment. This means that less heat escapes during the colder winter months, which in turn means that you don’t have to turn the heat all the way up or keep it on the entire time. The same goes during the hot summer months, less cold air will escape and you can give your air conditioner a break while enjoying the cool indoors knowing your energy bill be through the roof!

Health benefits that save you trips to the doctor

Mold can be extremely harmful to your health. Mold grows in dark and humid areas, like your wet basement. There are many different types of mold, but it has been widely established that its presence can cause multiple serious health problems if not taken care of. If there are leaks or extreme moisture in your basement, than toxic mold will grow in your home polluting the air and endangering the health of your family. Basement waterproofing will keep your basement dry and safe from these hazardous growths. If your basement is dry then you won’t have to worry about mold, doctor visits, pills, antibiotics or medical bills.

Save money on repairs and new furniture

Any homeowner who has lived through a flooded basement will tell you what a nightmare the aftermath is. A flooded basement takes a toll on you physically, emotionally and financially. You have to take care of the repairs, replace damaged furniture and deal with the loss of important family memorabilia. A waterproof basement will keep your basement warm, dry and safe from leaks, floods, water damage and the loss of irreplaceable items that are near and dear to you.

Save money on your homeowner’s policy

Insurance companies are always looking for a way to keep claims at a minimum. Regardless of whether it’s health, car or home insurance, prevention is the best way to keep something bad from happening. Insurance companies are always offering lower rates and discounts for customers who have been accident free for a period of time, who don’t smoke, etc.¦ The same applies to your home. Insurance companies want to be reassured that your home is as accident, disaster and theft proof as possible. Since waterproofing your home leads to preventing leaks, floods and other damages in turn it can lead to lower homeowner insurance rates.

A waterproof basement can boost the overall value of your home

A dry basement can be converted into a game room, office space, extra guest room, fitness room or anything else your heart desires. When you know that your basement will stay dry and safe you are more likely to use it and develop it into something extra. More space means more money for you from potential future owners if and when you decide to sell.

 If you have been thinking about waterproofing your basement, but you’re not sure if it is a worthwhile investment at this time, then consider all the money you will save in the long run and that might convince you. Your home is most likely one of the largest and most important investments you have made. You should take care of your home from top to bottom to ensure that it stays in good shape. Basement waterproofing will keep your basement dry and in turn can save you a lot of money from potential repairs, insurance rates and energy costs and it could also increase the value of your home. 

If you have any questions about what basement waterproofing is or what the different methods of basement waterproofing are, then contact the experts at Just Solutions, Inc. for more information!

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